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Publications Hauser & Wirth Hauser & Wirth Publishers Publishing is central to Hauser & Wirths programme and identity Hauser & Wirth Publishers is committed to providing our artists with BIBLIOGRAPHY Roy Lichtenstein Foundation The Bibliography includes selected publications which discuss and/or reproduce the artists work Entries are listed alphabetically 65 Thompson 1989 65 Thompson Events Hauser & Wirth 25 Years Invitation Alexander Calder Mobiles and Gouaches Joan Mir Sculptures and Paintings Hauser & Wirth Collection 1992 CALDER FOUNDATION LIFE BIBLIOGRAPHY Calder with a series of Action Toys Gould Manufacturing Company Oshkosh Wisconsin fall 1927 Hatje Cantz DAP Client Publisher Distribution Information Hatje Cantz Trade Distribution Contact for USA and Canada exhibition catalogs art books online publications title list of forthcoming in print and out of print Marcel Duchamp Wikipdia Marcel Duchamp n Blainville-Crevon (Seine-Maritime) le 28 juillet 1887 et mort Neuilly-sur-Seine le 2 octobre 1968 est un peintre plasticien homme de dinis2linguatecapt 110480 de 51484 Paulo 49074 So 46318 do 40723 Brasil 38043 da 37922 Da 35214 US$ 33367 Folha 29049 Rio 19810 Local 19724 Reportagem 17909 Eua 16250 Jos 15364 La Gazette Drouot - L'hebdo des ventes aux enchres La Gazette Drouot : le magazine n1 des ventes aux enchres Calendrier rsultats catalogues visites de salles
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